Thursday, September 1, 2011

Shannon&Lee ~Fairytale Wedding~

Shannon&Lee ~Fairytale Wedding~

I took Shannon and Lee's engagement photos last year and finally the big day arrived! It really was a fairytale wedding, there was so much love and special touches to the entire wedding it was incredible. The ceremony took place at Shannon's parents house and what a spectacular location it was! The weather was also great, it was hot but not really sunny so there was great lighting for the photos. I really had a great time it was so relaxing and everything went smoothly.
The dress: I literally had my jaw on the floor when Shannon took me upstairs to show me the dress. You know in the cartoons where the character's mouth hits the floor and the tongue rolls out and the eyes pop out of the socket? Well that is how I felt when I saw the dress! HAHA. Stunning is what it was and it looked even better on Shannon!!!

When Kevin and I arrived at the hall where the reception was, we walked in and holy cow was it decorated so beautifully. They had a candy table for the favors, which I have to say was SO AMAZING, not only because I'm pregnant LOL but because I love candy!! Lets just say I had a few boxes of candy......... teheh. Anyways, nextly there was the center pieces, they had a vase with water and sliced lemons. great idea Shannon! It looked so colorful.

Now to the part where my heart explodes with joy and pride. So on all the tables there was a red and white bottle of wine and on the bottles the labels were of one of the engagement photos I had taken for them last year! Not only that but the photos I took of them were in frames all over the guest book signing table and the cake table! My pictures where everywhere!! I had never felt so honoured. I am just so happy that they loved the pictures so much that they would display them on their wedding day. It is something that every photographer strives for is having their clients undoubtedly adore the pictures you produced for them.
All in all what a fabulous day it was! So glad to have been apart of something so beautiful. Shannon and Lee are so great together and I wish you both the best! :)
Thank you!